Determine whether a first look is right for you with this pros and cons list.

Top 10 Pros and Cons to a First Look


November 1, 2022

The First Look

This is a question that I get all the time, “Should we do a first look together, or wait until the ceremony?” I have my own opinions on what I think is the best flow for your day, however I want to capture the day for you and how you want it to unfold. So I’, just going to provide some general thoughts and opinions and you can decide which way you’d like to go with it.

Let’s start with the Pros

  1. The Timeline: The first thing I think about is the timeline for the wedding day. Doing a first look will allow for a more streamlined wedding day flow than waiting until the ceremony. This really comes into play when you are wanting to have a sunset ceremony. You’ll only have 30 minutes max to do all of your family pics, bridal party pics, and couples portraits before the sun has set on the day. And this is just asking for something to be forgotten or left off the list. So for that reason I suggest a first look if the ceremony time is something you don’t want to change.

  2. A true reaction: Is your Fiancé emotional in front of others? Let’s be honest, most guys don’t want to shed a tear in front of their friends and family so they will subconsciously hold back the tears and emotion as you are walking down the aisle which in turn makes them look angry in most cases. It’s best to set up a time to have just for the two of you, and me of course, so that you can both experience these meaningful and powerful emotions.

  3. Amazing memories: Maybe you guys are a little more reserved as a couple, or maybe you just want a moment on your wedding day to be together for a few minutes to take it all in. Whatever the reason, a first look can lead to some amazing memories on a wedding day. I can even help make it more memorable by setting up everything for you.

  4. Rest up before the ceremony: When you do a first look before the ceremony, you’ll have time after pictures to just sit and rest up a little before the ceremony starts. This is a perfect time to sit in the AC and chill or grab a drink to calm the nerves.

  5. Calming your nerves: Doing the first look with give you a since of peace and calmness getting to see your love before the ceremony. I know personally that I feel secure and at peace when I’m with Haley.

Now the Cons

  1. Touchups to the hair and makeup: After your first look, if you are a crier then you might need to have your hair and makeup girl stick around to touch you up after the first look. It’s going to be emotional and you’ll want to make sure that your hair and makeup are perfect for the ceremony.

  2. Might have to wake up earlier on the wedding day: One thing that you might have to take into consideration is getting up earlier and getting started earlier if you want to do a first look. This doesn’t mean 5 extra hours, but more like 1-2 extra hours.

  3. Not the traditional first look: This does break the tradition of weddings here in the US, of not seeing each other until you are walking down that aisle. Maybe that’s what you’ve always dreamed of and that’s what you want to stick to. I’m here for it!!

  4. You might feel a bit awkward: Some couples aren’t the mushy romantic types and in this case a first look on the wedding day might feel too awkward and unnatural. I always encourage my couples to be authentically themselves so that they’ll love their images. Don’t stray away from that for any reason!

  5. Guests won’t get to see the First Look: If you are hoping to share this moment with your family and friends, then a first look is not right for you. Keep to the traditional route and save it for coming down the aisle.

A Wedding Photographers Professional Opinion

There are so many moments on a wedding day that can or cannot happen, but a first look between the bride and her groom is one that is going to happen regardless, in the traditional sense or before the ceremony at a designated time. My personal take is that I encourage all of my couples to have a first look because it’s a moment of privacy on your wedding day that otherwise you wouldn’t get until you are headed to the hotel the night of. Having seen hundreds of weddings unfold, the majority of ones where everything went perfect have all included a first look. I really think that your wedding day would benefit from setting aside that time.

A bride and groom facing each other embracing as husband and wife with their heads touching and the brides veil swooping in front of the camera lens.

Now Booking 2023 Weddings

Each year I only take on a very limited number of weddings so that I can focus on each couple and give them all of my attention. Next year I’m only taking a max of 15 weddings and my books are starting to fill up quickly so don’t wait to reach out!

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