About The Photographer

Hi, I'm Cody

Thanks for being here friend.
I'm a creative soul that's on a mission to help the sentimental romantics document their special day, to have tangible memories that help deepen the relationship they share so that when adversity comes, they are prepared to stand and fight for their marriage.

My story

I've been in your shoes. It was 2011 and I had just popped the question to Haley and we are heading into a new season of life. But what does this mean? My parents are divorced, and her's have a strained relationship, is this what we wanted for our relationship? Plus we knew what Jesus say's in Mark 10:9 about marriage, "What God joined together, let no one separate." It took us some time, but we finally asked ourselves "What are we going to do to fight for our marriage?"

Your marriage is going to come under attack at some point, and I want to help equip you with some tools to fight against those attacks. I approach your wedding day with a very intentional view of your marriage. We will take the time together to help you figure out what things about your relationship are important, what's not so important, and how you can come away from the wedding head and shoulders ahead of most in the strength of your relationship. 

Haley and mine's relationship is far from rainbows and sunshine, but it's full of commitment and dedication to each other. And we are constantly reminded of how much we love each other by the beautiful wall art and wedding album in our home. These are our tools that give us strength to fight for our marriage, day in and day out. 

I believe in creating moments that deepen your relationship

"Life is about the little moments in time"

The Quiz

Type 9. The Peacemaker
Harry Potter
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